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Prices 2024


​All clients are welcome to visit for a 30 minute consultation, these are priced at £50 and will be taken virtually via ZOOM or face to face in the clinic.  Please note you are not required to attend a consultation as all details are available in our virtual consultation or in our FAQ's.


To book a consultation before you commit to treatment please CLICK HERE​


Powder Ombre Eyebrows

Combination Eyebrows

Realism Natural Hairstroke Eyebrows

Alopecia Realism Hairstroke Eyebrows

Male Realism Natural Eyebrows

Bolder Nano Hairstrokes

Total Cost for two treatments 4/6 weeks apart







Perfecting session 6-12 weeks






Top Up's - Colour Boosts

Eyebrow Treatments - ALL Above

12 to 18 Month Top up - £300

24 Months + £300

Please note you may need a 2nd appointment 4/6 weeks later costing an additional £200

Remove & Restore

This process is when you are at the 'Saturation' point in your skin.  Repeatedly tattooing the same area of skin will create a build up over time.  The skin is only so thin, and can only absorb a certain amount of pigment.


When your brows are looking flat, matt, grey in tone and also have no strokes visible this is a sign you are at the point for REMOVE. The REMOVE process is a laser treatment carried out by our laser specialist The Laser Studios.  We offer these treatments at the same location, to book your consultation please visit


REMOVE treatments are from £80 a session and you may need anything from 1-4 sessions.  If the shape is good and you are simply wanting to make space 2 treatment will be perfect.


If you are unsure about your brow level please send in clear pictures to


Previous work - Old Ink


Please note not all old work can be enhanced. We must see a picture of your previous tattoo before any appointment are made.  Send in all photographs to please use the 'non' selfie camera and ask a friend to take a clear picture of your tattooed area. 

Booking Fee's

​A £50 Booking Admin fee is taken for each booking made, this is non-refundable and will be retained should the appointment not take place or if cancelled under 72 hours (three business days). For same day cancellations the full amount for treatment is due and will be collected using the card you used to pay your booking fee. 


The total cost is split between the two appointments, and the balance will be taken on the day of the appointment. 


All bookings are taken online via the link, this ensures deposits are taken and automated forms are sent,

completed and attached to your profile.


Permanent Make-up Details in brief - when you book you will receive ALL details via our electronic forms.​


Price - Each artist here at KPC charge different amounts please see our prices above.


  • All PMU treatments take two session, these treatments are carried out 4/6 weeks apart.

  • When booking you will need to book BOTH the appointments to ensure the correct time between heals.

  • The first session can take up to 2 hours and 30 minutes, so please put enough on the car park.

  • Second sessions usually taken 90 minutes.

  • We charge as a split payment - this is for you... to make the cost more affordable.  Please note the total cost is the total cost regardless of time taken to achieve the finished result.

  • To be suitable for the NANO HAIRSTROKE treatment we recommend this is carried out on virgin skin.  This means there is no remaining ink in the skin from previous work.  You can have colour boosts for this treatment if Kally, Sam or Jody carried out the original treatments.

  • You will need to be 18 years old and over, not be pregnant or breast feeding and be in good health.

  • There are certain instances where we cannot treat and this is due to some chemical medications or medications that stop the blood from clotting. Please email if you have a concern before booking.

ADMIN/Office Working Hours

Monday to Friday 9:30am - 3pm

Hitchin Clinic 

Kally Permanent Cosmetics

27 Bridge Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 2DF


For appointments please arrive at 27 Bridge Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 2DF. Please note there is NO CUSTOMER PARKING on site, please use google maps and choose a local car park. 

The PMU School

The PMU School Ltd

27 Bridge Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 2DF


Training wesite:


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